
The Brownwood Lyric Theatre will continue their production of M*A*S*H on Thursday May 28th-31st.

The Lyric will offer 5 more shows for this production which opened May 21st.  Remaining shows will begin at 7:30 PM on May 28, 29, & 30 and at 2:30 PM on May 29 and 31.  Tickets cost $12 for adults and $8 for students.   All shows will take place at the Lyric Theatre in Downtown Brownwood.   CLICK HERE to purchase tickets online.


Veterans are being honored on Thursday, May 28th, as TexasBank sponsors Military Appreciation Night at the Brownwood Lyric Theatre.  Veterans and 1 guest will receive complementary tickets to that night’s performance of M*A*S*H.

A synopsis of the production is offered:  “M*A*S*H stands for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, and joining it are two unpredictable madcaps, Hawkeye and Duke. They can’t be dealt with casually, however, because they are also two of the best chest surgeons in South Korea. They decide to wage a campaign to get a young Korean to the United States and entered in a good school. The thread of this effort helps tie together the pileup of comic adventures that pyramid right before the eyes of your astonished and hysterical audience. Hawkeye has a scene with a woman psychiatrist who believes he’s been trying to lobster-trap mermaids in a rice paddy. There’s a jolly encounter with the baby-talking Bonwit sisters, the worst tap-dancing act the U.S.O. ever sent overseas. A sergeant is selling dumb GIs fishing rights in the Bay of Phum. Radar O’Reilly, a soldier with incredible hearing, anticipates things before they happen. The proprietor of a painless dental clinic is cured of dark moods by the recreation of an old monster movie and a monster. It’s all here, including a little romance mixed in with dramatic moments and a genuine love of life.”