fireworks2Wild Duck Marina at Lake Brownwood is gearing up to celebrate Independence Day on July 7th with their first annual “4th of July Bash.”  The bash will include live music, a fireworks display, and will also be a fundraiser for a friend who was injured recently during a rock climbing fall.

According Angie Tyson of Wild Duck, the bash will feature live music by the Remains and Luke Holman.  The Remains will start performing around 6:00pm Saturday, July 7th, followed by a spectacular fireworks show presented by Atlas Fireworks around 9:30pm.  The Luke Holman Band will finish up the night after the fireworks. To enjoy the bash and both bands in the backyard area of Wild Duck the admission fee is $20.

A percentage of the proceeds raised from admissions will be given to Devin St. Ama, an area resident who was recently injured in a rock climbing accident.  St. Ama has been a friend and employee at the Wild Duck off and on over the marina’s three year history.  A collection benefiting St. Ama will also be taken when the Wild Duck “passes the hat” during the bash.

The fireworks display is being sponsored by individuals as well as businesses of the area.  The fireworks will be visible from most areas around the Lake Brownwood dam area.

For more info, call Wild Duck Marina at 325-784-7100.
