
The Brownwood Art Association will be hosting a community Potluck Art Show and Membership Drive on Thursday, August 4th from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Art Center located at 215 Fisk Avenue in downtown Brownwood. The community is encouraged to bring their own original artwork, ready to hang or display, and a dish to share. All art will be hung during the reception and displayed in the Art Center throughout the month of August. Attendees bringing art to display do not have to be current members of the Art Association to participate.

“Bring art, bring food, and bring a friend. Absolutely anyone can bring their art to the potluck and have it displayed in the Art Building,” explained Amanda Coers, Brownwood Art Association Board Member. “We’re looking to add new members to the Art Association. We want this to be a great opportunity for the community to come into the Art Center, get to know the local artists and hopefully join the Art Association.”

The Brownwood Art Association welcomes artists in the surrounding area to join at any time during the year. Members will receive a yearbook and membership directory along with issues of the monthly newsletter, “The Palette Rag.” Membership options include:  Active for $25, Patron for $25, Associate for $15, and Student for $10.

Active members have full voting rights and exhibiting privileges. Patron memberships are open to anyone who supports the purpose of the association and who is not an artist. They cannot vote or hold office. Associate membership is open to the spouse of an active member and includes full exhibiting privileges but cannot vote or hold office.   Student members must be between the ages of 16 to 21 and will have full voting rights and exhibiting privileges.

Monthly meetings are held at 1:30 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month. Before each meeting there will be a demonstration from various artists. The monthly artist demonstrations before each meeting are also free and open to the public for educational purposes.

The Brownwood Art Association also hosts a “First Thursday” reception, featuring the works of a select artist each month, as well as a monthly “Muse and Merlot” painting event, children and adult art classes, and an “Open Mic Night” on the third Thursday of each month. The Brownwood Art Association also partners with the BAA Photo Group, which holds monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month.

For more information about the Art Association and their regular events, visit their webpage: