
As the Brown County Relay for Life nears, in the next two weeks teams are sprinting to the end of their fundraising goals with plenty of great items, food, challenges and more.  Be a part of the following events and fundraisers to help the one unified cause, the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life!  All proceeds benefit the Brown County Relay for Life and fund cancer awareness efforts, cancer research and more.

The Brown County Relay for Life will be held at 6pm June 3rd through 6am on June 4th at Gordon Wood Stadium in Brownwood.

May 25th: Sausage Wraps

The Texas State Technical College Relay for Life team is raising money for this event through donations and fund-raising. They will be holding a Sausage Wrap plate on May 25th, 2011 from 11am -1pm.  Plates are $4.00 each and will consist of a Sausage Wrap, Beans and Potato Salad. Sausage Wrap only, $2.00.  All contributions will be going to the American Cancer Society.  Please call 641-3917 to pre-order or call 203-1138 to place an order.

May 26th: Bingo Fundraiser & Food Drive

The VFW Post 3278 and Ladies Auxiliary will have a special session of Bingo on Thursday, May 26th.  This session is an extra session with all the proceeds going to relay for Life.  There will also be a canned food drive – for every canned food item brought you will receive a ticket for a drawing to take place that evening for (2) $25 cash prizes….there will also be caps and dabbers for sale with all proceeds going to Relay for Life.  Session begins at 7pm, card sales will begin at 6pm…Concession stand will be available.  VFW Post 3278 is located at 2300 Stephen F. Austin.  For more info call 325-646-8113 from 10am to 6pm.

Now through May 27th:  Team Sara Birthday Fundraiser

Each year, Sara Byrd raises money for the American Cancer Society by having her birthday party at the Relay for Life event.  She asks her friends to bring donations instead of presents.  For the last 3 years she has reached her goal of raising $1,000 and she would like to be able to reach that goal again.  The walk isn’t until June 3rd, but she would like to have donations in by her birthday on May 27th if possible.  She would greatly appreciate any help you could give her towards reaching this goal.  Checks need to be made out to the American Cancer Society and mailed to Sara at 11601 CR 265, Brownwood, TX 76801.  Donations may also be made online at and go to “donate”, put in zip code “76801” at “find events” and follow the prompts for Brownwood Relay For Life event to donate to Sara Byrd as an individual on Team Sara.

Now through June 3rd: Quarters for a Cure!

The Brown County Relay for Life is challenging everyone to gather quarters for a CURE!  Our challenge for you, Brown County, is to…Line the Track.  Let’s see how many times we can circle the track…with quarters!!!  If we line quarters side by side, one lap around the Gordon Wood track would add up to $3,960!!  If you have collected $50 or more in quarters, or would like additional information, please contact Melanie Smith @ 642-3177 or email