
Red Nose Day is a fundraising campaign initiated by the nonprofit organization Comic Relief. In the UK, Red Nose Day has been going for 30 years and is an inspiring cultural phenomenon that unites people from all walks of life in the interest of saving and changing lives across the globe. Their mantra is, “We believe in a just world free from poverty and use the power of entertainment to create positive change in the world.”

This year marks the first year of the USA teaming with the Comic Relief Red Nose Day and it moved Brownwood Intermediate School 5th grader, Claire Clayton, to write a letter to their principal, Chuck Chesser, to challenge all of BIS to participate.

Principal Chesser agreed and was ready for all of BIS to wear RED NOSES on May 21st in support of the Comic Relief and their many fine charity partners.

Red Noses could be purchased for $1.00 at BIS Library or at Walgreen’s Drug Store.  Each purchase benefits Comic Relief’s many charity partners such as: Boys & Girls Clubs of America, charity:water, Children’s Health Fund, Feeding America, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, The Global Fund, LIFT, National Council of La Raza, National Urban League, Oxfam America, Save the Children, and United Way.

Additional photos from Red Nose Day at Brownwood Intermediate School are viewable at:

Pictured above: Brownwood Intermediate School faculty and staff join in their support of Red Nose Day.


Pictured above: Brownwood Intermediate School Principal, Chuck Chesser, and 5th grader, Claire Clayton, proudly display their red noses in support of Red Nose Day.