votebuttonBrown County Elections Office announced Tuesday that a recount of the May 29th votes cast in the Republican Primary Election for Brown County Commissioner Precinct 1 will be held Wednesday, June 13th at 10:00am.

According to Larry Franks of the Elections Office, the race ended with such a close election for second place that candidate Vance Hill has requested a recount after being defeated by 3 votes.

Hill has stated that he was ready to let the election stand as is until he received several phone calls from supporters asking him to request the recount.

“There were only three votes separating us and I’m doing this for my supporters who requested I do this,” said Hill.  “I feel like I owe it to all of my supporters.”

Franks stated that the process will take a few hours.  Although Election Day ballots are returned to the elections administration by precinct boxes making them presorted, early ballots are not sorted.  These ballots must be hand sorted and will be counted by elections officials.

“Candidates have been notified and have an option to be there during the count,” said Franks.

The top two candidates receiving the most votes will move on to the July 31st runoff election.  Tommy Belvins was the top vote receiver with Gary Worley coming in second with Hill a close third.

The final report of votes cast and percentage of votes (as of May 29th) for commissioner precinct 1 were as follows:

Tommy Blevins :  543, 32.36%

Gary Worley: 339, 20.20%

Vance Hill: 336, 19.96%

Bryan Harvey: 175, 10.43%

Jerry Richardson: 158, 9.42%

Van Wilson: 128, 7.63%