
The 2nd Annual Empty Bowls event was held Thursday at the Depot Civic and Cultural Center in Brownwood and was a record breaking success according to organizers, surpassing the previous year by nearly $1400 and money is still coming in from the silent auction items.

Misty Bowers of Good Samaritan Ministries said that tentative total is $7151 received which includes all donations and silent auction items that have been paid for, but that total is likely to rise as payments are received for other auction items.

“We tallied 489 diners, but I really think there were more,” stated Bowers.  “Some people just stopped by to drop off a donation.”

For a suggested donation of $10, diners picked out their choice of unique hand painted bowls that were filled with soup donated from local restaurants including the Runaway Train, Chili’s, 4-H Center, Brownwood Country Club, Humphrey Pete’s/Skillets, and Steve’s Market and Deli.  Many diners took their bowls home to serve as a reminder that there are many who have empty bowls and empty stomachs.

The bowls were painted by volunteers from Early High School, Bangs High School, Brownwood Middle School, May ISD, Howard Payne University and residents of Bangs Nursing Home.

Live music was provided at the event by local musicians and visiting Christian music artist Brandon Heath, who came to HPU for a concert Thursday night.  Heath also gave out complimentary tickets to some of the lucky diners.

“It’s so exciting to see how the community has come together to bring this event to fruition,” said Angelia Bostick, Executive Director, Good Samaritan Ministries. “We could never do what we do on a daily basis without the love and support from our community.  It’s always so encouraging to see that whenever we have a need, the community is right there to help.”

All but 10 percent of the money raised at the Empty Bowls Event will remain in Brown County to fight hunger locally through such programs as the Food Pantry and Backpacks for Kids. A tithe of the total amount raised will go to a global hunger-fighting organization.

The message of Empty Bowls is:  Live simply so others may simply live.  If no other purpose is served from the meal than the fact that someone recognizes that hunger is not just rampant in third world countries, but affects lives in our country, our state and our community, then it has done its job.

Because the event was held during the Feinstein Challenge, the monies received will be counted toward the Good Samaritan’s goal of $100,000 for the challenge.  Alan Shawn Feinstein has put up $1 million of his own money to aid anti-hunger agencies throughout the country in their fight against hunger.  All monetary donations during these two months count toward the total collected.  The more money GSM collects, the larger portion of the Feinstein money awarded.  Last year, GSM raised $98,448 during the challenge, an increase from the year before.

“This year, we’d like to break $100,000,” said executive director Angelia Bostick.  “We’ve increased that number each year and I don’t think this year will be any different.”

Top Photo: Dawn Norway and Sunni Holloway select their bowls at the Empty Bowls event on Thursday.


Christian recording artist Brandon Heath held a concert preview at the Empty Bowls event on Thursday at the Depot Civic and Cultural Center




