
The more than 50 member cast of the Lyric Theater’s performance of “The Wizard of Oz” completed their first week of shows on Sunday and are looking forward to an even bigger turnout for this weekend’s run according to Eric Evans, Managing Director for the Lyric Theatre.

“I couldn’t be more pleased with the turnout for this weekend’s performances,” said Evans.  “Approximately 700 people attending Friday-Sunday’s performances, which is a great number.”

Evans explained that this was probably the best summer performance yet, up about 25% from last year’s summer show.  He stated that people came from all over the state, even 30 audience members were from out of state.  Of the attendees, there were 300 first time guests to the Lyric’s performance.

“I couldn’t be more pleased with the draw from the area and across the state,” Evans said.  “There were groups of people who came from Granbury, Stephenville and Abilene to be a part of the audience.  This coming weekend will offer a Friday matinee and groups from San Angelo, Waco, and Granbury plan to attend.

The show has a 10 performance run scheduled for this summer.  According to Evans, the members of the cast have been working nonstop.

“The cast, crew and orchestra are exhausted,” said Evans.  “The play runs 2 hours and 45 minutes, and with an intermission, you can say three hours, so they are going constantly.”

He stated that the crew has also done a great job.

“Larry Mathis and the interns, all theater majors, have just gone crazy and done a super job on the set,” said Evans.  In fact, he stated that after the intermission of Friday night’s performance, the audience applauded when the curtain opened because of the impressive set featuring the Wizard’s castle in Oz.

There is something for everyone in this play according to Evans.  There is humor (slapstick comedy), acting standouts, and a rare scene which was cut from the movie and most stage productions—the Jitterbug scene that is very entertaining.

“The jitterbug scene is great, many times it is left out of productions, but it is one of the two best scenes in the play, in my opinion,” said Evans.  He explained that the choreography is one the most aggressive the Lyric has ever taken on, and even includes some flips.

Evans stated that although everyone involved is exhausted, they will be back for the next round of performances, which are anticipated to be even higher in attendance, usually 30% or more.  He recommended that those planning on attending this weekend purchase tickets in advance at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce or Underwood’s Cafeteria for $15 each and $10 for student tickets.  Advanced tickets may also be purchased online.  Click here to order online.

Remaining performance dates include July 25, 26 and 27 at 7:30 PM and July 26, 28 at 2:30 PM at the Dorothy McIntosh Fine Arts Center auditorium at Brownwood High School.

Special needs audience members may park in the 10th Street parking lot of the Brownwood High School and be shuttled to the auditorium.  Others attendees can park in the front parking of the school.

The Lyric Performing Arts Company is a non-profit organization and is currently working to raise funds to restore and equip the historic Lyric Theater in downtown Brownwood.  According to Evans, approximately $40,000 is needed to finish up the project with state of the art lights, a top-of-the-line projector, audio technical equipment, and quality curtains.  These items in addition to the renovation project will make attending a show at the Lyric a truly memorable event.

Seats of the Lyric have been offered for sponsorships, which are sold for $1000 each.  Donors will have their name listed on a plaque in the lobby and become a part of history according to Evans.  For more information on how to help complete the project, visit http://www.brownwoodlyrictheatre.com.

Thanks to a many generous gifts, the renovation has been funded, and is expected to be completed in time for the Lyric’s summer performance next year to be held downtown in the renovated theater.

Pictured at top is the Jitterbug scene from a recent rehearsal.   Click the photo gallery below for over 100 preview photos from the musical.

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