IMG_1719Grimaldi:  King of the Clowns was the HPU Theatre Department’s spring production which was performed on campus February 24-27.  Following the HPU performances, the twenty company members travelled to Plainview, TX where Wayland Baptist University was hosting the Christian University Theatre Festival.  Four universities brought productions to the Festival which began Monday, February 28th.  The first performance was Musical Mayhem by Wayland.  It was written by their director, Marti Runnels, and featured a number of improvised scenes loosely surrounding a murder mystery.  On Tuesday afternoon, Lubbock Christian University performed The Dining Room by A. R. Gurney.

After a critique by the respondent, Cory Newman from Theatre Three in Dallas, the HPU crew had less than 3 hours to help strike the LCU set, put up the HPU set, and re-focus the lights, do the sound, and get into costumes and makeup.  They performed “Grimaldi” that evening and the comments afterward were extraordinarily positive.  “Amazing” was the word heard most frequently.  The respondent had marvelous comments for the cast and crew as well.  “Truly outstanding!”  The final day, Wednesday, Hardin-Simmons University performed Moliere’s The Imaginary Invalid.

“‘Grimaldi’ was truly a huge challenge, but I am so proud of the work that the students did,” said director Dr. Nancy Jo Humfeld, “and we were the hit of CUTF I believe!  No one knew the script and they were delighted by the combination of comedy and pathos they experienced.”

After the Festival performances, various awards were given.  The top award was given to Rivers Shotwell for his performance as Joseph Grimaldi, Jr.  He was awarded Outstanding Festival Artist.  The whole company was awarded Best Ensemble.  Four students received individual acting excellence awards – Josh Helms as Signor, Darren McElroy as Harlequin, Katie Dobson as Maria, and Jarrod White as the Writer, Stagehand, etc.  Josh Helms also received an award for his work in striking and setting up all the shows.  This award is the Super Trooper Award and is given to the person who is a great worker for all the shows and who also exhibits a positive attitude throughout.  HPU also received the award for best costume design.   Many thanks go to Lori Arp for designing the costumes and implementing most of them.

Locally, the production received some great complements from students and staff members.

“I am completely amazed at the job you and your students have done,” said HPU student Allen Andrus II in a letter to Dr. Humfeld.  “This show has to be one of the best live shows I have seen put on by students. I absolutely loved it.”

HPU’s Dr. Rob Tucker echoed this comments – “It was one of the finest shows I have experienced at HPU and among the finest theatre experiences of my life.”

Click the photo gallery below for pictures from the play.

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