
The 2011 Rattlesnake roundup proved to be one of the biggest and best in years according to organizers, despite ending with a woman getting bit twice by one of the rattlers just before the close of Sunday’s events.

Brownwood Jaycees confirmed Monday that Stephanie Smith of Brownwood was bitten twice by a rattlesnake as she stood in the pit participating in a snake recount for the contestants during the Cowboy’s Last Ride Casket Contest.  Smith is reported to be in her 20s and the daughter of one of the handlers, Bobby Dudley.

As she stood in the pit, one of the snakes climbed up her pants leg.  In efforts to get the snake out, officials were working to get a knife to cut her pants and remove the snake when another contestant grabbed the snake and jerked it out of the pants leg, causing it to bite instinctively.

The bites were reported to be on Smith’s calf and a venom extractor was quickly applied, getting as much of the venom out of her leg tissue as possible.  Smith was then taken by ambulance to Brownwood Regional Medical Center where she remains for treatment.  According to Brownwood Jaycee Waylan Kite, she did not have to go to ICU which he said “is a good sign”.

Being bit, according to Kite is not an uncommon occurrence at Rattlesnake Roundups.

“When you get in a pit full of rattlesnakes, it’s not uncommon to get bit.”

Kite also reported another incident two to three years ago.

“He got bit bad on the hand,” stated Kite.  “On the hand, it is difficult to get the extractor on to remove the venom.”

According to Brownwood Jaycees, approximately 4000 people attended this year’s rattlesnake roundup.  Not only were the people in great attendance, so were the snakes.  Between 1400-1500 rattlesnakes were bought this year due to high demand in the snake market.  Buying prices were also reported to be the highest in around 10 years, selling at around $6.00-7.00 per pound, depending on the size of the snake.  Most of the snakes are smaller and about 3 feet in length stated Kite.  Large snakes were weighing in at 2-4 pounds and the smaller weighed around 0.5 pound.

The Brownwood Jaycees reported the event to be quite a success and enjoyed by many.