Brownwood News – The Ranger College Brown County Campus turned an everyday student orientation into a fundraiser for a couple local non-profits. Brown County VP Dayna Prochaska was the mastermind of the 5K Run for Hope event.
“There are couple 501C3 groups in town that are going through some struggles right now,” said Prochaska. “Budgets have been cut everywhere and we were hoping to raise enough money to help those organizations provide a little more for the kids that come and see them.”
The proceeds of the event went to help the Boys and Girls Club of Brown County and the Heart of Texas Children’s Advocacy Center.
Besides the fun run, a number of local business came out and had booths with information and giveaways. Inside the building, there were a number of tables ranging from informational to relaxing by getting your nails done and enjoying a rub on tattoo put on by the RC cosmetology department.

Community members could come get their nails done and enjoy many events inside the Ranger College campus.
The goal of the event was to get 50 runners out on the course, 53 came out making the initial event a success.
“We had a goal and we met that goal so we are looking forward to doing it again next year,” Prochaska said.
Ranger College would like to extend a special thanks to local sponsors Citizens National Bank, Moore Printing, Texas Clean, United Supermarkets, ASAP Creative Arts and Dr. Pepper.