RangerCollegePTKInductionFall2015Ranger College added more than a few names to the nation’s list of brightest young minds last Sunday during a special induction ceremony for Phi Theta Kappa. A total of 26 Ranger College students were recognized for their scholastic abilities by being inducted into the academic fraternity in front of a large crowd in the college auditorium.

Phi Theta Kappa recognizes the top academic students at the nation’s community colleges. More than 1,200 chapters internationally have recognized the “best of the best” at 2-year colleges since 1918 when small colleges decided to create an organization to highlight their top students.

Ranger College President William J. Campion praised the inductees for their accomplishments during the ceremony, saying each student at attained a higher level of respect.

“People a lot wiser than myself have said this about being part of Phi Theta Kappa,” he said. “It is like being an Eagle Scout. If someone comes to you with an Eagle Scout or Phi Theta Kappa honor, you need to take a look at that individual because they are something special. This is a most important accomplishment in your lives.”

Campion said the PTK ceremony, itself, was a prime example of the respect given to Phi Theta Kappa members. He noted Ranger College’s first-year PTK Advisor Amanda Nelson was hired on as a faculty member after he learned she had been a PTK member while attending college in Ohio.

For her part, Nelson urged each of the new inductees to work diligently to maintain their high standards that helped them attain the honor, and to remember to help others raise their expectations. By doing this, she said, they could make a positive impact on the world.

“I congratulate you on this honor,” she said.

Nelson is working with Ranger College’s Speech and Debate Coach John Mikolajcik and English instructor Lance Hawvermale as advisors.

Presiding over the 2015 Fall induction was PTK President – and 2015 Ranger College Student of the Year – Kendall Gonzales.

Emily Swain said she was honored at having been inducted.

“I am very honored to be a part of Phi Theta Kappa,” said Swain, a sophomore from Kingwood, Texas. “I’m also excited to see what other opportunities it will open up for me in the future.”

Swain plans to attend Texas A&M next fall and major in Biomedical Science. From there, she plans to enroll in medical school with the goal of becoming a doctor.

Among the other students inducted into Phi Theta Kappa were Haylie Adams, Mohammed Al Gharib, Sofia Alvarez, Michael Ballenger, Abigail Brawner, Weston Brooks, Jayden Brudney, Tristan Campbell, Bailey Evans, Mariah Fields, Dennis Harper, Jr., Rachel Henderson, Abby Kunkel, Ian McFarland, Taylor Lucky, Heather Merket, Holly Needham, Elias Sanchez, Bregtje Schievink, Mikayla Spruell, Steven Tortomasi, James Weiss, Amanda White, Marley Wood and Marjorie Yantis.

Pictured above:  Lingleville’s Steven Tortomasi helps Emily Swain light a candle during Ranger College’s Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony on October 25. Tortomasi and Swain, a sophomore from Kingwood, Texas, were among 26 students inducted at the event.