Forty men and women set out on a Quest on January 16th and ended up a lot lighter and wiser 12 weeks later! The total loss for the group was 515 pounds and 585 inches!
Quest 12: 12 Weeks to a New You is a program created by Fit By Faith© Fitness, designed similar to the popular TV show “The Biggest Loser”. The difference is that people are not eliminated unless they fail to do their part. “The Biggest Loser is extreme and contestants are put on a ranch where their exercise and food is monitored 24/7. We want our participants to learn how to do this while still living their normal lives so that when the Quest is over, they are able to have continued success without spending 8 hours in a gym each day.”, says Krista Johnson, owner of Fit By Faith©.
Because everyone involved volunteers their time, Quest 12 is sponsored by Heartland Church, David K. Schum, DC, Tim Moore M.D., Therapeutic Solutions, Healthy Woman, BRMC, Moore Printing, Natures Medicine Shoppe of Texas, KPSM-K99.3 The Rock, SEAL Gymnastics and Underwood’s Cafeteria.
The participants are divided into 4 teams, each have their own trainer and the teams compete to earn points. The idea of having teams is the teams ultimately represent your family. When you make a bad choice or a good choice, it greatly effects your team/family. Points are earned by keeping your food diary online and meeting your nutritional requirements, meeting your water drinking requirements and your exercise requirements. Our body make up is 80% diet, 10% exercise and 10% genetics so learning to eat properly is #1 in this.
At the end of each 4 weeks, there is a challenge, where the teams must compete to win more points. In between, there are opportunities to earn extra points. On this Quest, the contestants did a 10 hour Tae Bo A Thon, a challenge running up thrill hill for a relay race, they ran a 5K and they also did a challenging obstacle course that included climbing a rock wall. Many had never fathomed doing any of these types of events in their lives and the victories they achieved from doing it are life changing.
Thirty seven members completed the Quest successfully and each has a beautiful story to tell of not just weight loss, but how they changed from the inside out. Many walked away having achieved things they never in their lifetime imagined.
The winning team for the Winter 2010 was TEAM RED! The winning team was presented with gold medals and prizes donated by Quest 12 Sponsors. There was one winner of the entire Quest that lost the most body fat % and that went to Joey Wilson of the GREEN TEAM as he lost 16.6% of his body fat. Joey received a trophy, prizes and an Annual Membership to Fit By Faith© as well other prizes donated by our sponsors. Joey lost 55 pounds, breaking the all time record for most weight lost in a Quest! We do not allow diet pills or any radical diet plan on this Quest. Each member is monitored by their trainer so that they lose the weight simply by making healthier food choices and getting enough exercise.
This is Fit By Faith©’s third Quest and the combined total lost of all three is 1896lbs and 2056 inches! The next Quest 12 will be beginning in the fall. For more information on the Quest, please go to
Winner of Quest 12: Joey Wilson and wife Dusty. The Wilsons lost 77 lbs & 40 inches.
Green Team: Joey Wilson, Dusty Wilson, Kerri Ralston, Michael Jackson, Chelsea Stevens, Bobbie Faucett, Nancy Williams, Tammy Fisher, Sandra Vara, Tonya Boyd, & John Johnson
Orange Team: Jessica Richmon, Crystal Harris, Cynthia Givan, Jessica Acker, Dora Esparza, Delaina Esparza, Krista Johnson, Gloria Field, Shannon Pittman, & Amber Keeney
Pink Team: Jodie Kelly, Jo Lynn Landrum, Andrea Thompson, Jill Underwood, Andria Stewart, Anita Salazar, Cindie Clayton, Beverly Taylor, Sharon Laws, Donna Darden, Amy Fisher
Red Team: Ray Leinbaugh, Amy McLane, Shelly Moffatt, Patricia Snyder, Jon Fitzgerald, Teresa Johnson, Sheree Salinas, Laurie Wheelington, Jayne Jones, Sheri Wells, Sara Nadurata