Forty men and women set out on a Quest on August 31st and ended up a lot lighter and wiser 12 weeks later! The total loss for the group was 611 pounds and 635 inches!
Quest 12: 12 Weeks to a New You is a program created by Fit By Faith© Fitness, designed similar to the popular TV show “The Biggest Loser”. The difference is that people are not eliminated unless they fail to do their part. “The Biggest Loser is extreme and contestants are put on a ranch where their exercise and food is monitored 24/7. We want our participants to learn how to do this while still living their normal lives so that when the Quest is over, they are able to have continued success without spending 8 hours in a gym each day.”, says Krista Johnson, owner of Fit By Faith©. Because everyone involved volunteers their time, Quest 12 has wonderful Sponsors to help fund the program.
The participants are divided into 4 teams, each have their own trainer and the teams compete to earn points. The idea of having teams is the teams ultimately represent your family. When you make a bad choice or a good choice, it greatly effects your team/family. Points are earned by keeping your food diary online and meeting your nutritional requirements, meeting your water drinking requirements and your exercise requirements. At the end of each 4 weeks, there is a challenge, where the teams must compete to win more points. In between, there are opportunities to earn extra points. On this Quest, the opportunities were running in the Brady and Brownwood 5K and participating in the Annual Tae Bo® A Thon where you must Tae Bo® for many hours, back to back, to help raise money for our troops overseas.
Thirty nine members completed the Quest successfully and each has a beautiful story to tell of not just weight loss, but how they changed from the inside out. Many walked away having achieved things they never in their lifetime imagined. You can view pictures of their time during the Quest as well as the Award Ceremony that took place on November 21st and read testimonies at” width=”400″ height=”433″ />