Brown County Republican Women’s Club will host their monthly luncheon at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, March 13th at the Brownwood Country Club.
Guest speaker of the event will be Mark Pulliam, Attorney & Advocate for Civil Justice Reform, representing Texans For Lawsuit Reform.
While practicing law in California, Mark co-founded and served as President and Chairman of San Diego County Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse. He views his mission as trying to convince Texans to avoid the mistakes that have turned California into the worst business climate in America, and that have converted a once-respected court system into a nationally-ranked “Judicial Hell Hole.” He is an enthusiastic supporter of Texans for Lawsuit Reform.
Texans for Lawsuit Reform (TLR) is the largest state civil justice reform organization in the United States with roughly 18,000 supporters from all across Texas.
Pulliam will talk about “Lawsuit Reform: Strengthening the Texas Economy.” This will include a brief history of how our state evolved from the “lawsuit capitol of the world” in the 1990s to a model of reform today and the economic benefits of lawsuit reform to large and small businesses and consumers across Texas and the lawsuit abuse issues that remain to be addressed in our state.
Membership in Brown County Republican Women’s Club is not required to attend monthly luncheons. Cost of the luncheon is $12 per person to be paid at the door. Please RSVP Anne Casas at or leave a message at 325-641-2789 by Wednesday, March 11th.