ross1The Brownwood/Early community can now take advantage of an aggressive leap into high-tech shopping with the appearance of QR Codes in local signage. The new signs have begun to appear in front yards all across the central Texas area thanks to Brent Moseley of Prudential Ross Real Estate and Larry Bartley of ImageOnePlus. They’ve teamed up to provide the first deployment of QR Codes in Brown County which deliver multimedia information about properties for sale.

A content management system developed by Bartley allows a real estate sign to be scanned by any smart phone and returns a web page with special formatting for small screens. The scan can deliver complete information, slideshows and/or videos of the property and provide 1 touch dialing to schedule an appointment for showing. When signs are placed near the street the system allows potential buyers to scan the sign and see inside views of the property without ever leaving their car.  Most phones store the last 100 scans in memory so you can go back at a later date and review properties you’ve looked at.

Bartley has deployed similar solutions in Abilene, Austin, and Fredericksburg and has been working to bring this technology to wide spread use in his home town area. The system developed for Ross Real Estate is a hybrid website in which a portion of it is dedicated to the use of QR Codes to promote listings. It’s fully integrated with social media sites and provides automatic updates to FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. The website delivers standard content when you visit it with a PC. If a visitor surfs to the site with a mobile device or scans one of the codes to access the site, it knows the visitor is using a mobile device and delivers appropriate content to it. It’s smart enough to recognize the difference between an iPhone and an iPad and delivers full size content to the iPad.”

QR Code technology is free to use by anyone who has a cell phone with a data plan. Most smart phones sold today are shipping with a reader already installed. Owners of all older smart phones can download a multitude of free QR Code readers from their favorite app store that will read standard Bar Codes as well. If you have a Bar Code reader on your phone, chances are you’ll need to upgrade to a newer reader to take advantage of QR Codes.

You can see the hybrid web technology in use by visiting with your computer AND your cell phone and observing the differences in appearance and behavior.

Prudential Ross Real Estate and ImageOnePlus will be having a joint grand re-opening at 10:00 am on Wednesday the 23rd at 114 Early Blvd. in Early.

Pictured above is an example of a QR Code.