
Students from five local churches, Coggin Avenue Baptist Church, Early First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church Brownwood, First Baptist Church Brownwood and Southside Church, came together today for a common goal. Project Sweat is an event held each summer in which youth and adults from several churches work together to help people in need of home repairs in the area.

Project Sweat uses an application process to find homeowners in need of repairs to their property that they cannot do or have done themselves. Students from area churches gather each morning at 6:30 for breakfast and head out to one of the job sites to paint, clean up debris, and make repairs to structures of those in need.

This year five buildings are being worked on including residences on Longhorn Drive in Early, 3rd Street and Avenue B in Brownwood, Bluebonnet Lane in Lake Brownwood, and the old Jones Chapel Church in Early.

This year around 75 students are involved, and will continue to work on the houses through this Thursday the 21st.

Pictured are students working on a house at Jones Chapel. The students scraped paint on the exterior of the house and also picked up tree limbs and debris from the yard.

