AgriLifeExtensionIf you have an interest in growing plants to attract butterflies and humming birds then be sure to attend a program on September 2, 2014. Mark Klym with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will be on hand to present the program.

The September 2nd program will be held from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00p.m. at the Brown County Extension Office located at 605 Fisk Avenue in Brownwood.

This is the last of the horticultural lunch-n-learn series of programs conducted this year. This program is open to anyone interested. There will be a $10 registration fee payable at the door unless participants have previously paid the lunch-n-learn series registration fee.

We are still under outdoor watering restrictions but there are some plants that can be added to home landscapes that will survive with less water and will attract butterflies and hummingbirds for added landscape appeal.

For more information contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.