RebeccaBradfordTFRWThe Brown County Republican Women hosted a luncheon Friday with guest speaker Rebecca Bradford, current president of the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW).

Bradford is from Corpus Christi and co-owns a human resource company with her husband.  She is very involved in local and state politics through the TFRW.

At the luncheon, Bradford spoke on three topics:  “What is Texas Federation of Republican Women?”, “What’s Going on in our Country?”, and “What are we Going to do About It?”

Bradford shared the history of the TFRW.  She explained that in the 1900s groups of republican women started to form and have meetings.  The Republican National Committee decided to unite these groups in 1938.  The National Federation of Republican Women actually started in Chicago, Illinois and the Texas Federation of Women formed in 1955 with a group consisting of about 300 women.

Concerning the question “What has happened to our country?” Bradford shared her thoughts that some politicians pass laws and tend to govern toward socialism because they feel we citizens are not paying attention.   She mentioned a quote from a book she was reading, The Naked Communist written by Cleon Skousen in 1958, which states, “Many loyal Americans are working for the same objectives because they don’t realize that these are designed to destroy us.”  This book, she stated is pertinent in today’s time, due to the many changes that are happening under the current administration and congress without the approval of the people.

Many political groups use charitable causes to raise money for their own personal agenda, such as animal rights and environmental causes.  She pointed out that these causes are important, but that you have to make sure that the causes you support are actually getting the donations; research where the money goes with any group you choose to support.

She stated her belief that a Global Society unless based on ideals found in our U. S. Constitution would not be a successful society.  “There’s no reason we have to become like the poorest of nations…so that we are politically correct.”

To combat the turn toward socialism and the current “rush to change everything” she stated that you have to be informed, keep the politicians with beliefs you support in office by voting.  Encourage neighbors and friends to become informed and active in politics.

The Texas Federation of Republican Women is growing, in fact, 4 new clubs have formed in the past year according to Bradford.  The TFRW has over 11,000 members and the National Federation of Republican Women boasts over 80,000 members.  Many people are worried about where our country is headed and clubs like this show them what they can do to make a difference.  She encouraged everyone in attendance to make a difference and get involved.

As a token of thanks for her visit to Brownwood and speaking at their luncheon, officers of the Brown County Republican Women gave Bradford a gift bag and informed her that the BCRW has made a donation to TFRW in her name.