
Military & Family Support Group members, with the help of community volunteers, will start sorting and packing Community Christmas Boxes of Support for the Military at the Early Lions Club Building on Garmon Drive on Thursday, Nov 3 and Friday Nov 4 from 10:00 am to about 2:00 pm and Saturday Nov 5 starting at 9:00 am.  Boxes of support from the community for Military registered for the program can be picked up by family and friends on Saturday, Nov 5 from 12:30  to 3:00 pm.  For those not able to pick up the box of support, arrangements have been made for the box to be mailed or delivered. 

Currently the count is 141 deployed or stationed overseas (includes about 90 National Guard deployed to Afghanistan) and 102 stateside boxes for a total of 243 Military who will be receiving boxes of support. 

“We are getting additional names almost on a daily basis,” said organizer Joyce Leidig.  “This is more than in years past.  Our community has always come through for our Military and Veterans.”

Volunteers will be packing about 75 bags for Veterans who are in Nursing Homes which VFW Post 3278 Ladies Auxiliary will deliver.  Boxes of snacks will be delivered to the TXANG Armory.  Bags for Homeless Veterans were also made as well as items for the VA Clinic in Brownwood and VA Hospital and VA Nursing Home in Temple. 

“If you have items you need picked up or have questions please let us know,” Leidig said.  “This could not have been accomplished without donations from the Woman’s Club of Brownwood, VFW Post 3278 & Ladies Auxiliary and many other smaller donations.  Thank you for this support.”

Those with a name of active duty Military wanting to receive a box, please send name, rank, branch of service if they are stateside, deployed or stationed overseas. 

Volunteers are also being sought to help sort and pack boxes for the Military.

“We would love and appreciate the help,” Leidig said.  “If you have never experienced organized chaos then this is the place for you.” 

To add someone to the list to receive a Community Christmas Box of Support or other information please contact Joyce Leidig 325-784-5014 or

Pictured above are volunteers working on the boxes that were sent to military last Christmas.