
Brownwood Police are investigating the hit and run accident involving a Chevy Tahoe striking a house Friday morning.

The accident occurred at approximately 7:45 a.m. when a black Tahoe, which was traveling south in the 2100 block of 14th Street, struck a mailbox at 2103 14th, traveled through this yard, across the oncoming traffic lane and struck the front corner of the home at 2102 14th Street. The Tahoe then left the scene, traveling down 16th Street to Grey Fox Trail where it then entered a vacant field, according to witnesses and police.

Brownwood Police officers searched the area for approximately 45 minutes without finding the suspect or the suspect vehicle.

The home sustained significant damage to a front bedroom, damaging the brick and the entire front wall of the room.  Debris was scattered through the yard and driveway of the home as well as bricks and drywall scattered in the street.

The homeowner reported that he and his wife had just taken their children to school at Woodland Heights Elementary when they returned to find their home damaged.

“I just took my kids to school and was only gone about 10 minutes,” said the homeowner.  “This isn’t the way I expected to see my home when we got back.”

The homeowner said the timing of the accident was fortunate as the damaged room is the bedroom of the couple’s 10-year-old child.   Since no one was home at the time of the accident, there were no injuries reported at the scene.

A neighboring home’s mailbox was damaged during the incident.  Its metal post was severed and was lying in the roadway.  The neighbor stated that the mailbox being struck is not uncommon, and he has lost track of how many times he has had to replace it since he moved into the home approximately 10 years ago.

According to Brownwood Assistant Chief James Fuller the suspect driver has been located and identified.  A male subject brought his adult son back to the scene of the accident and it was confirmed the unidentified male son was in fact the driver who had left the scene.  No arrest had been made as of mid-morning Friday and the driver’s identity was not released at the time.

Pictured above is the damaged home.  Below are more photos from the scene Friday morning.




Tire tracks in the vacant field just off of Grey Fox Trail where the vehicle was reported to have fled.