
Final plans and specifications of the new Central Fire Station were approved at Tuesday morning’s Brownwood city council meeting.  With plans and specs approved, Brown Reynolds Watford (BRW), the architectural firm hired for the project, can now move forward with bidding the project.

The design phase included a committee of councilmen, staff, firefighters and BRW.  The 14,306 sq. ft. facility has sleeping quarters for 9, a day room/dining/kitchen area, office spaces, a combination EOC /training room, upstairs storage, five apparatus bays and more.

According to City Manager Bobby Rountree, the design “attempts to complement the Depot architecture by using arch windows, similar outside globe lighting and such.  The exterior construction is brick and Hardy board.  The interior construction will consist of sheet rock walls and stained concrete floors, with the exception of offices which will be carpeted.”

The construction cost of the project is estimated to be $2,925,000; however, bids received will confirm the actual cost of the project.

The project schedule is as follows:

June 25 – Council authorized project to be bid

June 27 – Bid packages released for bid (four week bidding process)

July 11 – Pre-bid meeting

July 25 – Bids received

August 13 – Bids presented to council for approval

August 26 – Construction to begin

June 26, 2014 – Construction substantially complete

July 27 – Final completion.  City will take ownership of building.

The funds for this project are allocated from the sale of Certificates of Obligation, issued in 2012, which total $3.55 million.

In other matters on Tuesday’s agenda:

*Council approved a resolution amending Civil Service Rules regarding the maximum age for temporary firefighters and temporary appointments to firefighter positions.  Rountree explained that a temporary firefighter position has been filled in the absence of two full time firefighters who have recently experienced medical issues.  Shawn Shugrue, a Lieutenant with Brady Fire Department who also works part time with Heart of Texas EMS is the temporary hire.  Jimmy Watson, a firefighter from Coleman will also help fill in any vacancies as needed.  There were six applicants for the temporary position, which will be for 90 days and reevaluated at the end of the term and possibly extended if need be.

Assistant Fire Chief Grady Shuey stated that the temporary position will allow more flexibility in scheduling during the busy summer months.

“Our overtime budget is getting stressed and this will give us some relief,” said Shuey.  “It will also help with vacation time, because so many vacations are requested in these summer months.”

*Approval of a lease agreement between the Brownwood Regional Airport and the Federal Aviation Administration for an outer marker was approved as was authorization for Mayor Haynes to sign the lease document.  According to Rountree, the outer marker acts as a beacon to help pilots to use their instruments to land in inclemate weather.

Pictured above are renderings of the future fire station completed by BRW.