BuildingRampThe Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club recently participated in a community service project to build a wooden handicapped accessible ramp for a resident in Brownwood.

Several members of the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club contributed to the project in conjunction with Texas Ramps, a group that works with the Kiwanis Clubs of the Texas – Oklahoma District to construct the ramp on Saturday, February 2nd.

The club supplied the labor to construct the ramp and Texas Ramps supplied the financial support.  According to member Don Holland, the Pecan Valley club became a part of the program about three months ago through the efforts of David and Debra Price.

“This was our second ramp, but I expect we will do a lot more,” said Holland. “Our main thrust is to serve the youth of this area, but sometimes an adult needs a little help.”

Pictured above are members constructing the ramp, below is the finished project. Photos contributed.

The Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club invites those interested in becoming a part of community projects such as this, to contact a Kiwanis Club member for more information.  The Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club meets at 6:30 a.m. each Thursday at Gomez Restaurant, 716, W. Commerce in Brownwood.

For more information about Kiwanis International, visit