Picture1The Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club of Early recently hosted a banquet to honor the visit of the Kiwanis Texas/Oklahoma Governor, William “Bill” Bishop and his wife Ann.  The banquet was held at the Early United Methodist Church.

Lt Governor Don Holland made the formal introduction of Governor Bishop to the Kiwanis Clubs of Division 12.  Division 12 is comprised of Kiwanis clubs from Brady, Brownwood, Coleman, Comanche, Cross Plains, Pecan Valley (Early), San Angelo, and West Angelo.  Each club was represented at the banquet with approximately 72 members in total attendance.

In addition to Kiwanis Club’s representation, the Kiwanis’ Youth Sponsored Key Clubs of Early, Brownwood, Comanche, and San Angelo were represented.  The Key Club Region 5 Advisor, Rudy and Bea Barron as well as the Key Club Lt. Gov. Thomas Blackwood, all from San Angelo, were in attendance at the banquet.

Representing the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club was President Bill Pursch and representing the Brownwood Kiwanis Club was President Rex Tackett.

The Early High School Key Club served the meal to the banquet attendees.

Gov. Bishop provided fellow Kiwanians with information about the coming year and plans as set forth by Kiwanis International as well as the Texas/Oklahoma District.

Pictured above are (l-r) Kiwanis Division 12 Lt. Governor Don Holland, Texas/Oklahoma Governor William “Bill” Bishop, Brownwood Kiwanis President Rex Tackett, and Pecan Valley (Early) Kiwanis President Bill Pursch.

Shown Below are Key Club Lt. Gov. Thomas Blackwood of Divisions 12,22,35 and 36, Kiwanis Division 12 Lt. Gov. Don Holland, Key Club Region 5 Advisor Rudy Barron, Texas/Oklahoma District Governor William “Bill” Bishop, and San Angelo Central High School Key Club Advisor Bea Barron.
