StJohnsEpiscopalChurchThe 2010 Past, Present and Future Tour of Downtown will explore some of the historic churches in the heart of the city.

The event, developed by members of the Downtown Brownwood Inc. board of directors, will begin at 6:30pm on Thursday December 2nd and conclude around 8:30pm.

The tour will feature the four beautiful churches in the downtown area, each of which has historical significance.  These churches are St. John’s, St. Mary’s, Union Presbyterian, and First Baptist Church.  Guests on the tour will enjoy seeing drawings for expansions that have occurred over the years as well as some that are planned for the future. In addition, attendees will learn about churches that were prominent in the past, but are no longer in the downtown area.

Buses, provided by City and Rural Rides, will board at the Depot Civic and Cultural Center Plaza parking lot. Tickets, costing $5.00 each, are limited but will be available at the Chamber of Commerce office at 600 E. Depot inside the Depot complex.

Refreshments will be served at one of the churches.

The tour will open a series of community events scheduled in December, which will continue Friday with the annual Lighted Parade, and Friday and Saturday with the second annual Christmas Under the Stars Festival from 4-8 pm.

Tickets are available at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.  Call 325-646-9535 for more information.