
A retirement reception was held Friday to honor Texas Department of Transportation Brownwood District Engineer Lynn Passmore, which filled the Depot Civic and Cultural Center with his friends, family and coworkers.

Top officials honored Passmore for the many projects within his district of TxDOT.  Mayor Stephen Haynes gave a proclamation establishing March 31, 2012 as Lynn Passmore Day in Brownwood.

“Lynn Passmore is a great, great friend to the City of Brownwood,” said Mayor Haynes.  “I’m proud to say that the city of Brownwood is forever indebted to you for the many projects you helped complete in Brownwood.”

Laura Terhune, CEO of the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce, also had praises for Passmore and a plaque to present.

“Brownwood Chamber of Commerce recently added the Community Partner Award to our Annual Banquet for government entity or civic organization which goes above and beyond its everyday job description to serve the community of Brownwood, and the first recipient of this award was the local TxDOT district under your leadership.”

Blake Woodall, representative of Texas Senator Troy Fraser’s office brought a letter of congratulation and appreciation from his office for “39 years of dedicated service to the state of Texas.”

Representatives from cities such as Comanche and Copperas Cove, who are also under the Brownwood District of TxDOT’s care, came to honor Passmore with mementos of their appreciation of his service and leadership.

Co-workers stated how some projects came to completion and things such as the Pier review team were successful thanks to Passmore’s leadership and authority.  In fact, Mario George of TxDot in South Texas stated that through the pier review team, Passmore and others helped to save over $1 billion investment in pavement preservation.  Others stated how he was a great boss, a great leader but most importantly a good person and good friend to work for.

Pictured above is Passmore with Blake Woodall, representative of Texas Senator Troy Fraser’s office.  Below are more pictures of the event.


Chamber CEO Laura Terhune presents Passmore with a plaque


Mayor Stephen Haynes reads the proclamation during the retirement reception.


The “Big Cheese” hat presented to Mr. Passmore by is secratary.