
To celebrate National Nursing Home Week each year, the residents at Oak Ridge Manor are treated to an old fashion horse and buggy ride.   This year Nursing Home Week is May 8th through 14th.

A wagon style buggy carried residents just down the road for about a 20 minute ride, which reminded some riders of earlier days, especially soon to be 105-year-old Mattie Gaston.  The day was perfect for a breezy ride and visiting.

Six residents of Oak Ridge Manor and staff members Paige Grimes and Mekeesha Powell  enjoyed the ride.  Grimes and Powell stated that residents look forward to the buggy rides each year.

Pictured above are residents Johnnie Wilcox and Mattie Gaston along with their caretaker, Paige Grimes while they wait for others to load up for the ride.

Pictured below are horses, Dutch & Dick, pulling the wagon operated by Winton’s Carriage Service of Goldthwaite.  Owner by Bill Winton is accompanied by Julie Schwartz who is his helper and sidekick driver.



Pictured above from left side left to right:  Mekeesha Powell, Glenda Duncan, Mildred Duncan, and Noocker Wheeler.  Right side left to right are: Johnnie Wilcox, Mattie Gaston, Veda Reynolds, Roy Hughes and Paige Grimes.