As you may have guessed by my lack of submission to this site last week and my subsequent absence from the airwaves last week, I was on vacation.
No, I didn’t go anywhere cool or crazy fun. I visited my Dad and his wife, spent time with my daughter, went to the zoo, and got some good time with someone who is very special to me.
It was just what the doctor ordered. I got back to work today, and there was a slight feeling of “OK, how do I do this again?” but that quickly went away. That’s how you know it was a good break!
I spent some time by myself, and did some introspecting. I spent time with friends laughing. Spent time with family, eating and relaxing. (The former before the latter, as is the way with most family gatherings!)
Got some good news, and got some bad news. The good news was a relief, the bad news was not so much. Hence it being designated as “bad news”.
But there was a silver lining to the bad news, and without sharing too much of another person’s story, it is hopefully being turned into possibly the greatest Good News possible.
That made me stop and pause for a moment.
How do I handle bad news? I typically internalize it for a moment, and then start complaining. How else do I let people know that my life kinda sucks at that particular time? (Yeah, that is pretty petty, huh?)
Why don’t I turn bad news on its ear and use it for good? We all have that friend who is amazing at this. Maybe a cousin or some other relation in our life. The point is they always seem to have a handle on the rough things that life throws at them.
I am going to try to start living this way. No regrets, only opportunities. Chances. Ways to make good that which is commonly thought of as bad.
I’d like to dedicate this week’s column to my cousin, Tracey Briscoe. I’ll see you again.
Ben Cox is the host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” weekday mornings from 6 to 9 on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the new in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team. Ben is also an event DJ for weddings, parties and the like, and can be contacted through the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.
The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.