Yummy! (And it’s about time, too!)
I did something that should not be remarkable for me, at least not at my age, this weekend.
I voluntarily ate something green.
My girlfriend was over and cooked dinner for me Saturday night. She made a Chicken Picata that was outstanding. Now, this particular meal has capers in it. They are green.
As a rule, I typically avoid such things. I am sure that by now you have realized I am somewhat of a picky eater. (My best friends would scoff at the “somewhat” moniker)
One of the aforementioned friends joined us for the meal, and he made it plain why he thought I was eating the meal that night.
He said that she had many more incentives than he did to get me to try new food. (i.e. she’s WAAAAY prettier than he is!)
It was an exquisite meal, lightly breaded and seasoned chicken, in a delicious white wine sauce, over spaghetti drizzled with olive oil, accentuated by a nice bottle of white wine. (I’m also expanding THAT palate, but that’s another column!)
My daughter takes after me, and I can only hope to amend the disservice I did to her by not introducing her to a wide variety of foods as a small child.
I work with a picky eater. He dismantles his kolache in order to remove the cheese.
There are picky eaters all around us, and I need to tell you guys something: It’s OK! Try stuff! We are not going to like everything.
However, there will be moments like I had this weekend that, had I any hair, it would have been blown back by the flavors in this simple dish from my modest apartment kitchen. (Seriously, I thought the kitchen was broke, cause nothing ever tasted like that that came from there before! I guess it was operator error!)
It’s worth the try, because you’ll find deliciousness where you least expect it.
Ben Cox is the host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” weekday mornings from 6 to 9 on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team and is also a mobile DJ for weddings, parties and the like. He can be contacted via this website.
The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.