bencox2“One-armed paper hanger in a rear-end kicking contest” or something like that…

I am a busy guy lately.

Seriously, the calendar in my Samsung is stupidly full!

And you know what, I only have myself to blame, and I’m cool with that.

I have play rehearsals almost every night at the Lyric Theater for “Anything Goes” that opens in a month. (YIKES!!)

I have rehearsals for a band that I have started with some friends to try and break into the wedding market. (No, I will NOT be the Wedding Singer. You are grateful that I am playing guitar and not singing. Believe me.)

I have my daughters schedule on top of all that, plus work duties that often times spill outside of the normal working hours for me. Don’t even think about mentioning a social life on top of that, it happens, but I’m still kind of amazed at HOW it does!

I kind of like the hurried pace, and the energy that comes with meeting deadlines and due dates. But do I like it too much? I’m only going to get busier as we get closer to the end of the year with all the holidays and family get-togethers.

Is this where I ask the question of what would happen if we turned off our phones and sat and talked to one another? I guess so, seeing as I just have.

I imagine that we would spend half the time looking out the window thinking of what to say, and the other half trying to talk over the other person so we make the funny/poignant/cool point in the conversation.

Have you seen the picture floating around Facebook of the old time business men riding the train to work and everyone is reading the paper?

We haven’t changed that much, they were as busy then as we are now, it was just with technology that was nowhere near as cool as ours is now! (Except of course the radios, those old school radios looked pretty cool. And people still love radio. They must, or I’d be out of a job!)

Ben Cox is the host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” weekday mornings from 6 to 9 on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team and is also a mobile DJ for weddings, parties and the like. He can be contacted via this website.

The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.