
Can people change? I hear that question often, in movies, in literature, and so forth. I think it’s not so much a question of CAN we change, but WHY we change.

My life has been altered rather dramatically in the past year. I have gone from married with a child, to divorced dad who sees his daughter half the time that he used to. I have had to learn the art of dating again, and lemme tell ya, it sucks. I’ve had to relearn the art of the “subtle hint” with comedic and tragic results. That skill is not like riding a bicycle; you don’t remember how to do it, especially if you were never that good at it in the first place! OK, so maybe that part of me hasn’t changed….

That being said though, I know that I have changed in these past 8 months.

I look at the world through different lenses now. Plans that I had for my life have either been shelved, or erased entirely. I have focused on things that I normally would not have given a second thought for whatever reason. I have taken on new responsibilities to occupy my time, as well as begun socializing with people I would never have met before.

I have changed from who I was last year, but before that, I had changed from the person I was 10 years prior to that. Or did I really?

What if parts of me that were always there became more prevalent, and things that were always on the surface maybe started to recede a little bit. What if the perceived change is actually just a person becoming comfortable with who they are?

How about that? What if the change that people see, is really a person becoming closer on the surface to what they feel inside?

Granted, if a person takes a radical leap from their good senses and starts acting erratically and irresponsibly, it may be time to call in the good friend brigade and possibly stage an intervention!

However, change is not a bad thing, usually. It means that a person is still learning, growing and experiencing the world around them. Whatever change brings, chances are if you look hard enough, there may be some good in it.

Ben Cox is the morning show host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the new in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team, & Ben is also an event DJ for weddings, parties and the like.

The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.