PostingColorsNorthwest Elementary held its annual Veterans Day Program on November 9th. Observers gathered in the front parking lot of the school while Northwest Elementary students sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “This Land Is Your Land.”  High school scouts Aaron Pulley, Jon Tobias, and Robert Dick posted the colors.

A brief presentation was made by Eagle Scout Aaron Pulley that told the history and purpose of Veterans Day, which was followed by a performance of “Taps” by Howard Payne sophomore, Megan Irwin.

“It’s a special program that we put together to honor our veterans,” said Northwest Elementary Principal, Candace Wilson.  “Our kids did a wonderful job, and it’s important for them to remember how lucky we are to live in this country.”

A video of the program is viewable online at:

Eagle Scout Aaron Pulley gives history of Veterans Day.


HPU sophomore Megan Irwin plays “Taps.”