The subdivisions of Thunderbird Bay, Harbor Point, and Tamarack Mountain have been struggling with water outages since last Sunday afternoon.  Although many residents of the area have seen their water supply improve, some still have little or no service.

Brown County Emergency Management Coordinator Brent Bush said that as of about noon Friday, most of Tamarack Mountain and Harbor Point have running water, but areas of Thunderbird Bay have very little or no water pressure.

“The latest issue at Thunderbird Bay was a break in a large line that was repaired last night,” Bush said.

Bush said that they hoped to have the line repaired and pressured back in late Friday.   Many residents in the Thunderbird Bay area have expressed frustration at the situation.

“Things are really bad out here,” one Thunderbird Bay resident said. “A lot of people are on fixed incomes out here and can’t leave.”

Bush had the State send a TTST (truck tractor semi trailer) load of 22 pallets of bottled drinking water to the North Lake Brownwood Volunteer Fire Department Tuesday night.  The Early High School athletic director and about dozen students arrived in the area to help unload the water.  More water was expected to be delivered on Friday.

The North Lake Brownwood Volunteer Fire Department has been delivering drinking water to homes and also pumping “fire truck” water into buckets so residents can flush toilets.

Residents of the areas who do have running water are being told to boil it before use.

Bush said, “TCEQ and the Attorney General’s office are aware of the situation, so maybe some long overdue changes will be made.”