Brownwood News – During her presentation to the Brownwood City Council Tuesday, Sunni Modawell, the Executive Director of the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce, talked about the new wayfinding signs project. “This is a project we’ve talked about for 13 years, at least. These signs will really help make our community more visitor friendly. It conveys the message that this is a welcoming and inviting community and here are the great things to go see and do,” Modawell said.
These signs will point out highlights of the city and, once the company is given the go ahead, the signs will take 10 weeks to produce and install.
The signs will be two different shades of blue with white lettering. They will be placed along the main thoroughfares around town and in the sports complex area. “We’re really excited and want the community to take pride in these,” Modawell said.
The signs are an initiative of the Convention and Visitors Bureau with the Chamber of Commerce, partnering with the City of Brownwood, and are being paid for by the Convention and Visitors Bureau Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds.
(Marshal McIntosh holds a mockup of one of the new wayfinding signs during the Brownwood City Council meeting Tuesday)