IMG_6183The highly anticipated Coliseum Annex building conversion into a Senior Citizens’ Center is virtually completed.  Thursday marked the last meal served at the old Senior Citizens’ Center.   Bright and early Tuesday morning at 7:30am is the scheduled opening of the new center.  A Grand Opening is to be announced, hopefully for sometime next week, once everything is in place and ready for such an event.  As of Monday afternoon, staff, city crews and outside contractors were putting finishing touches on the building.  The new Senior Citizens Center is located at 110 S. Greenleaf and the phone number for the center is 325-646-0559. 

“We are planning to get back into the routine and scheduled menus,” stated Cynthia Jackson, Director of the Senior Citizens Center. 

Lunches are served at noon each day for a suggested donation of only $2 to people over 60-years-old. Guests of seniors under 60 can also dine for a nominal price of $3.25.  If a person has never eaten at the center before, officials recommend they arrive early (closer to 11:00am) to fill out a one-time form recording their visit before the noon meal.

Jackson stated that the seniors who normally participate are anxious to see the new building and start enjoying its light, bright, roomy interior. 

“Some seniors have asked if they have to dress up,“ stated Jackson.  The answer to this question is no Jackson said.  Anyone is welcome to enjoy the food, fun and fellowship, there is no certain attire required. 

Jackson said that visitors do not even have to be a citizen of Brownwood to enjoy the food.  Jackson stated that there are “snow birds” that winter in Brownwood enjoying the services and fellowship during the time they spend here.    Also, they have had guests which are from as far away as Canada, such as a Howard Payne student who was participating recently in the Foster Grandparent Program and was brought by one of the seniors as his guest “foster grandchild.”

Some of the activities and amenities that seniors will enjoy at the new facility are the recreation room, which has tables for cards, dominos, and bridge; an area with public access computers (for research of things such as Medicare prescription plans, etc.); a library area, where people can share books; a pool table; fresh new roomy bathrooms; and a crisp clean dining area that seats 115.  If there are more people attending meals, the recreation room will be utilized when necessary and seats an additional 68 people, making maximum seating 183.  

The staff of the senior center is made up of 3 cooks (Kim Bennett-head cook and Jessica Walton, plus an additional cook which is an open position at this time), 2 meal delivery people for homebound citizens (Angie Dees and Jeanie Brandstetter), a back-up delivery person (Beth McPherson), a site manager-Mary Barron, and the director-Cynthia Jackson. 

“I really want to mention that we have had so much help from the Parks and Recreation Department of the City ,headed up by David Withers, getting all this done.  I appreciate him so much,” stated Jackson.  “Artie Ragland with Parks and Recreation along with his crew have just been here for us.”

When the mention of how well the crews and staff in different departments worked together, Jackson stated, “Every dime counts, we work hard to be good stewards of the citizen’s money, by working together we don’t have to hire as many outside crews which are much more expensive.”

Jackson walked through the center pointing out the amenities that mean a lot to the seniors as well as staff.  There is now a break room for staff that is equipped with a small refrigerator and lockers.  At the old center, the staff gathered on a porch for breaks without the comfort of a table and chairs.  In the new building’s kitchen, there is a huge walk in refrigerator/freezer, plus much of the equipment is brand new.  “We are so delighted to have so much that is new to work with,” Jackson said.

“We would like to thank the public and the Brownwood Economic Development Council for voting for the funds to complete these fantastic renovations,” said Jackson.  “It is…like a dream, our seniors are so excited.”

Enjoy photos of the new facility below.






