CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallBrownwood City Council approved the purchase of a new air conditioning unit on Monday, not to exceed $7,000, which services the lobby area of the Bennie Houston Recreation Center.

According to City Manager Bobby Rountree, the center is served by one 5-ton A/C unit that is 15-years-old.  The heat exchanger unit has failed and the estimated cost for replacement parts is over $3500 explained Rountree.

“The estimated cost for replacing the old unit with a new, more energy efficient 5-ton unit is $6485,” said Rountree.  “The estimate includes a hail guard, manual outdoor air package, programmable thermostat, crane service, duct work, and labor to complete the installation.”

Rountree explained that although this expense was not included in the current budget, it could be paid from cash reserves funds and that an actual budget amendment will be brought to the council at the end of the year.

Rountree also stated that this purchase of a more efficient unit may qualify for Oncor incentives.

In other matters on Monday’s agenda:

*Council approved on first reading the nomination of Brownwood Hospital, L.P. as a Texas Enterprise Zone Project.  The matter will be discussed in public hearing at the next council meeting.

*An ordinance was approved on first reading changing the zoning classification of the 1.156 acre property known as 1601 Wood Street and the 2.5 acre property known as 1603 Wood Street from R-1 and R-1A Single Family Residential District to RR Rural Residential District.

*An ordinance was approved on first reading changing the zoning classification of the property known as 1613 Wood Street from R-1 Single Family Residential District to RR Residential Rural District.

*Council approved an ordinance on first reading changing the zoning classification of the 2.91 acre property known as 3500 Rhodes Road and 1 acre property known as 2200 Calvert Road from R-1 Single Family Residential District to A-1 Agricultural District.

*An ordinance was approved on first reading changing the zoning classification of the 3.872 acre property known as 3504 Longhorn Lane from R-1 Single Family Residential District to RR Residential Rural District.

*A resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Brown County Appraisal District for the assessment and collection of taxes was approved.

*Council approved a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd for Phase I of landfill cells 12 and 13.