May 11-17 is being celebrated as National Nursing Home Week and local nursing homes and some local emergency medical professionals are taking a part in the celebration.

Heart of Texas EMS helped local nursing homes and their staffs celebrate the week with their residents through many activities including a Relay for Life fundraiser at CARE Nursing and Rehab.  This fundraiser will run through 3:00 p.m. on Friday.  All proceeds will benefit the Relay for Life Brown County which will be held Friday, June 6 from 7pm-7am at Gordon Wood Stadium in Brownwood.

Heart of Texas EMS employees will be cooking hamburgers for donations while the CARE staff will host a parade along with a bake sale and have auction items available.  The theme for Friday’s activities is based on a Hawaiian Luau and the public is invited to join in the fun.  CARE is located at 200 County Road 616.

Earlier in the week other nursing homes received visits from Heart of Texas EMS.  On Monday, they visited Songbird Lodge, cooking hamburgers for the residents and staff.  They visited Brownwood Nursing and Rehab on Thursday cooking burgers and participating in a wheelchair race with the residents.

Above are some of the residents and staff at Brownwood Nursing and Rehab.  Pictured below are Heart of Texas EMS employees during their visit Thursday.