
Commissioners were visited by Brown County 4-H members and Brown County Extension Agent Scott Anderson as they approved a proclamation of October 4-10, 2010 as National 4-H Week.

Commissioners also approved the hiring of Kim Miles as the new Extension agent for family consumer science.  Miles is currently an Extension agent for Comanche County.  She is originally from Haskell and has been an Extension agent for 13 years.  She served for 10 years in Waco and began working in Comanche County in 2008.  She will begin her new duties in Brown County December 1st of this year.

A resolution, as presented by Brownwood Parks and Recreation Director David Withers, for a Texans Feeding Texans home delivered meal grant was also approved by commissioners.  In 2008 the county received $3900 dollars and in 2009 grant monies of $4139 were received.  No word yet on how much the county will receive this year.  The money will be used for the home delivered meals program.

Other items on the agenda were:

*Commissioners approved the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) contract.

*County Holidays for the calendar year 2011 were approved by the court.

*Commissioners approved applications to bury both sewer and water lines at N. 6th Street/CR 147 and CR 182 near Bangs.

*A tax resale deed of 0.279 acres, more or less, situated in the A.B. Culbertson Survey 14, Abstract 1918, Brown County, Texas was granted to Harvey Newton.

*Consideration of Sheriff’s Office purchasing equipment was delayed until next week.

4H kids pictured above include Beale Madison Gordon, Bo Wood, Caitlin Thompson, Tyler Thompson, Cody Goforth, Tara Glasscock, Heidi Goforth, Zach Goforth, Kaylon Bonnema, Trey Glasscock, Dacia Griffin, Ryan Jameson, Destiny Walker, Caleb Cannon, Sierra Goforth, Peyton Pittman, Rachel Cannon, Rebecca McFarland, Tea Goforth, Ryan Anderson, Blake Anderson