repwomen_feb13The Pecan Valley Republican Women invite the public to join them on Thursday, February 28 at 11:30 a.m. at the Brownwood Country Club for their monthly luncheon.  Guest speaker for the luncheon will be a native of Brownwood and HPU graduate Nathan (Nate) Willingham.

Nate has spent the last year in China teaching English and ministering to the Chinese people in cities and in remote villages. Nate is very excited about having the opportunity to share his experiences with Brownwood and will be showing slides.

While in China, Nate taught children and adults from ages 2 to 29 years old. Nate’s outgoing personality and natural exuberance made him an instant favorite especially with the children, who were unaccustomed to such enthusiasm in their teachers.

Nate is the son of Danny and Jolly Willingham. He will be returning to China in about six weeks.

Pecan Valley Republican Women meetings are open to the public and visitors are encouraged to attend. Lunch buffet is available for $12.