Kiera_RowonnaI love the Facebook notification that I get usually every day. It’s the one that says something like, “You have memories to look back on today.”  I find it interesting to see what was going on in my world a year or more ago on this day.

A few weeks ago, I saw where I first felt Kiera move when I was pregnant and recently I received a reminder that she had learned to say, “Mama.”  Then there are the memories that I read where it was obvious I was pregnant and didn’t feel good…  I can read the crabbiness in my own post.

Today’s notification brought back great memories and I’m going to share them with you.

A year ago today, I posted this on Facebook.

Aaron and I were sitting on the couch relaxing after dinner.  I was eating an ice cream sandwich when Kiera walked in the room.

“What’s that?” she asked pointing at my ice cream.

“It’s an ice cream sandwich.” I replied holding it out for her. “Would you like a bite?”

She looked at the ice cream sandwich and then to me. “What is it?”

“It’s…ice cream.” I said again, still holding it out for her.

She sighed and asked, “But, what is it?”

I took a deep breath and looked at Aaron, just to ensure that I was indeed speaking the English language.  He wasn’t a lot of help.  He had his face turned, shoulders were shaking and his cheeks were turning red from holding in his laughter.

I tried again.  “It’s an ice cream sandwich.”

My at that time 3 year old, turned and started back out of the room.  As she walked out, she said, “If you’re not going to tell me what it is, I’m going to my room to play.”

I remember my complete confusion that night as she walked out of the room.  I live in that complete confusion more times than not.

Last week, as I got out of the shower, Kiera eased the door open and poked her head around.  Privacy is extremely over rated at my house.

“I don’t want you to brush my hair,” she stated.

Considering I had literally just stepped out of the shower, brushing her hair was extremely low on my priority list.

“Ummm…ok,” I replied, trying to keep the ‘I think you’re crazy look’ off my face.

“NO!  Really!”  She pushed the door open the rest of the way.  “I don’t want you to brush my hair!”

I looked around our small bathroom to make sure I was the only one in there besides the mini tyrant that was standing at the door.  Confirming I was the only other person in there I tried to take control of the conversation.

“Baby, I have to get ready.  I’m not going to brush your hair anytime soon.”

Little mini tyrant squared her shoulders and said, “Good.  Because if you did, I would have to leave this house…immediately.”  Then she spun on her heel and walked off, leaving me with an open bathroom door and in total confusion of what had just transpired.  Not to mention, my curiosity of when she learned the word ‘immediately’.

This is the state I live in.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying I don’t enjoy it.  It’s just sometimes I wonder about my sanity.

I’ll leave you with one last Facebook memory.  This next one took place two years ago when Kiera was at the ripe old age of two and a half.

Kiera climbed her stool to get a washrag wet in the bathroom sink.  After getting it wet, she then went to the toilet and began to wash the toilet seat.

This is where I stop my story and tell you I have a little bit of OCD.  Especially when it comes to bathrooms.  Ok, back to the story.

“No, baby!” I exclaimed.  “If you use that rag on the potty, it has to be washed, not used again.”

I headed out the door to her bathroom to run her bath water.   I didn’t give the rag a second thought as she came in to take her bath.

Later that night, after she was tucked in her bed, I went to the dryer and began to pull out the clothes… only to pull out a wet washrag among my clean clothes.  You guessed it, same washrag that was used to clean the toilet seat.

Ahh, this child… I love the memories.  It’s good to look back and realize that even then she was constantly keeping us on our toes.