
Members of Last Beard Standing, the Moostaches and The Fan{tache}tics all stepped up to the Mustache Wheel of Doom at Howard Payne University Monday evening to learn the fate of their facial hair. The Baptist Student Ministry’s annual fundraising event brought in $5,331 for student missions.

Each November, participating male students, faculty and staff members refrain from shaving for the month while selling t-shirts and collecting donations for the Baptist General Convention of Texas’ Go Now Missions. The teams that raise the least amount of money spin the Mustache Wheel of Doom and shave in whichever style the wheel determines. The choices include stripes, half-beards, “no-tee goatees” and more. The participants keep their entertaining new facial-hair stylings throughout the remainder of Finals Week.

The Mustache Wheel of Doom is held each year in conjunction with HPU’s Pancake Supper. Faculty and staff serve pancakes and other breakfast foods to students as they eagerly await to see the results.

“I am extremely honored to serve with a team of students who make missions fundraising a priority,” said Keith Platte, director of HPU’s BSM. “They helped to raise money for our usual goal of $4,000, but exceeded it by more than $1,300. I could not ask for a greater group of students and supporters to help us send students on missions to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

Pictured above:  HPU junior Evan Fleming, left, and Keith Platte, BSM director, await the results of Fleming’s Mustache Wheel of Doom spin. Photo by Rachel Ellington, HPU senior.