JessicaZaldivar2Thursday was move-in day for new students enrolled in the new semester of Howard Payne University.

Three hundred fifty-seven incoming first-year and transfer students are registered to attend the new semester along with the school’s Jacket Journey orientation event.  Students began moving into the dorms to kick off the Jacket Journey event as parents began saying goodbye and leaving their kids to begin life in a university environment.

Top Photo: HPU senior Jessica Zaldivar helps carry in clothes for a new student in Jennings Hall. Zaldivar is a leader of the Jacket Journey group this year, assisting with the new student orientation for the weekend.

Photo Below: Members of the Howard Payne University Residence Life staff welcomed new students into the residence halls on Friday. Pictured (left to right) Raymond Borjas, Resident Director Soren Baird, Kyle Heidleberg, Dani Clark and Nathan Berneking.

Photos by Kalie Lowrie – HPU Univeristy News



See the full schedule for Jacket Journey below

Thursday (8/19/10)

9:00 am          Jacket Journey Check-in – Mabee University Center
9:00 am          Move-in Begins – Residence Halls
2:30 pm          Parents’ Meeting – Mims Auditorium
4:45 pm          Students Line up for Chime In – Old Main Park
5:00 pm          Chime In – Wilson Gate and Walkway
5:30 pm          President’s Picnic – Old Main Tower Lawn
6:30 pm          Parents’ Farewell
7:00 pm          Opening Assembly – Mims Auditorium
8:00 pm          Small Groups – Assigned Locations
9:00 pm          Residence Hall Meetings
10:00 pm         Movie, Men in Black – Old Main Park

Friday (8/20/10)

7:45 am           Morning Prayer Walk (optional) – Mabee University Center
8:30 am           Breakfast – Beadel Dining Area
9:30 am           General Assembly – Mims Auditorium
10:30 am         Group Photo – Mims Auditorium Entrance
11:00 am         Small Groups – Assigned Locations
12:00 pm         Lunch – Beadel Dining Area
1:15 pm           Strategies for Success – Mims Auditorium
2:30 pm           Rec. Your Life (Messy Recreation) – Bell Towers Lawn
3:30 pm           Break
5:00 pm           Dinner – Beadel Dining Area
6:00 pm           Meet Small Group, depart for dessert at a Professor’s house
8:00 pm           A time of worship led by the BSM – Mims Auditorium
9:00 pm           Coffee House w/ live music – The HUB 

Saturday (8/21/10)

7:45 am           Morning Prayer Walk (optional) – Mabee University Center
8:30 am           Breakfast – Beadel Dining Area
9:00 am           S.W.A.R.M. – Begin at Mabee University Center
12:00 pm         Lunch – Beadel Dining Area
1:00 pm           Break
2:30 pm           Genderly Speaking 
(Women – Jackson Room, FLC; Men – Wellness Center)
3:30 pm           Traditions Assembly – Mims Auditorium
5:30 pm           Dinner out on the town with Small Group
7:30 pm           Street Party – Bell Towers Lawn
9:30 pm           Recreation Time – Various Locations

Sunday (8/22/10)

7:45 am           Morning Prayer Walk (optional) – Mabee University Center
8:30 am           Breakfast – Beadel Dining Area
10:30 am         Attend Church w/ Small Group
12:00 pm         Lunch – Beadel Dining Area
1:30 pm           General Assembly – Mims Auditorium
3:00 pm           Small Groups – Assigned Locations
4:00 pm           Break – Prepare for Banquet
5:00 pm           Semi-Formal Banquet – Beadel Dining Area
6:30 pm           Dessert Reception – President’s Home

Monday (8/23/10)

First Day of Class

*Schedule subject to change.