
A crash was heard by employees and customers at Colortyme on Friday morning as a car drove through the adjacent space in the shopping center in the 2400 block of Looney in Brownwood.

According to police, a woman in her late 60s was attempting to park when she accidently hit the accelerator instead of the brakes, sending her black Buick through the plate glass windows and into the center of the vacant storefront.

The driver escaped with no injuries and minimal damage was sustained on her vehicle; however the front of the store suffered a few shattered panes of glass.  The storefront appeared to be used for storage and none of the contents were damaged by the vehicle’s entry.

Brownwood Police, Brownwood Fire and Guardian EMS responded quickly to the scene.

Employees of the adjacent stores said that this is the second time this has happened.  Another woman, who was stated to have been on medication of some type, confused her accelerator and brake pedals and hit the same storefront in a previous accident according to the employees.  They expressed how thankful they were that these vehicles had hit the vacant store and no one was injured in either accident.

Pictured above is the car inside the store.  Below are more pictures of the accident.




Front bumper