
The Early Beautification Commission announces the election of their new Chairman for the coming year.

Pat Moony was recently elected by the members of the commission to serve as their new chairman.  He will replace outgoing chairman Amy Jennings who was instrumental in starting the monthly Recycle Day in Early during her time holding this office.

According to Wanda Furgason of the Early Chamber of Commerce and Early Economic Development, Mooney has stated that he will work on getting more volunteer members of the commission as there are several projects that the commission would like to see come into fruition in the coming year.

Anyone interested in serving on the Early Beautification Commission is asked to contact Wanda Furgason and her staff at 325-649-9300.  Residency in Early is not required to serve on the Early Beautification Commission.

Pictured above are Amy Jennings and Pat Mooney.  Photo contributed.