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Officers and soldiers from the 111th Engineer Battalion of the Texas Army National Guard were ordered to active duty in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on Monday in a mobilization ceremony at the Brownwood Coliseum.

These citizen soldiers were honored by US Congressman Mike Conaway, Brad Locker representing Texas Representative Jim Keffer, and Commander of the Army National Guard, Brig. General Joyce Stevens.  Loved ones of those deploying along with members of the community gathered to honor these soldiers as well.

These members of the 111th Engineer Battalion are mobilizing for a one year deployment to Afghanistan.

“Our country is fortunate in that we are served by the finest military organization that has ever walked the face of the earth,” Congressman Conaway said.

Governor Rick Perry sent a letter to the soldiers which was read by Locker and said in part: “It gives me great pleasure to extend greetings upon your deployment.  On behalf of all Texans, I offer my heartfelt appreciation of your service to this country.”

General Stevens outlined the coming mission with the soldiers and noted the skill level of the battalion.

“These proud soldiers who stand before you today are fully qualified and prepared to accomplish the myriad of critical battlefield functions they will be called upon to execute,” Stevens said.

The ceremony ended when the General gave the order to “case the colors” which symbolized the certification that the 111th Engineer Battalion is ready for deployment to Afghanistan.  The soldiers were then dismissed to spend time with their loved ones before they leave for the battlefield.

The soldiers will depart Camp Bowie Tuesday, April 12th at 8am and area residents are invited to line the streets to show support.   They will leave the National Guard Armory, Camp Bowie, at 8:00 am and travel on FM 45 (access road), turning right and then travel north on Highway 377 to Commerce at the “Traffic T”.  They will turn right at the “T” and travel out past the Early Schools.

Area residents can show their support by lining the streets holding flags, banners, and yellow ribbons along the route.

See photos and video of the ceremony below.

Video 1 shows the Battalion Case the Colors.  Video 2 features comments by Congressman Conaway.

{denvideo https://mitdil1.dream.press/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Picture%20136.jpg” height=”350″ width=”525″ />

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