Mission Possible Kids made a pledge to do God’s work in October 2013 by helping others. They set a goal of 1000 lives they wanted to touch and on March 5th they accomplished their goal.
Some of their favorite missions included the following:
- Collecting and distributing gently worn shoes to those in need
- Trick or treating to collect candy for soldiers
- Collecting and donating over 850 pounds of food for the Food for Thought program
- Raising funds for solar lights and textbooks for children in Kenya
- Sewing heart pillows to comfort children in crisis
Mission Possible Kids celebrated reaching their goal by continuing mission efforts to bring joy to the homebound. They are in the process of making 300 paper flowers and cards to be distributed along with a meal.
Mission Possible Kids is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering kids to change the world through helping others. For more information or to join Mission Possible Kids contact Randee Green, Children’s Ministry Director of First United Methodist Church 325-643-1555.