Five girls are seeking the title of Miss Brown County Fair Association for 2013, and one of these candidates will be crowned during the Brown County Youth Fair on Saturday, January 12th, 2013.
Membership sales by the Youth Fair Queen competition is the main fundraiser for the Brown County Fair Association and proceeds benefit the upkeep of facilities and enhancing the premium sale which will take place during the 2013 Brown County Youth Fair.
Memberships are sold for $20/family and also entitle member families to eat free at the annual barbeque that is held during Rodeo Week in June. The 2012 Brown County Youth Fair will take place January 9-12, 2012. Please visit the
Jordyn has been awarded the honor of Magna Cum Laude for three years. While in school, she has been the Brownwood FFA president, student council vice-president and treasurer for Students Against Destructive Decisions. She is also a member of the National Honor Society, Choices Mentoring Program and Key Club. Jordyn is working towards a Pharmacy Technician certification through the BHS Health Science Program.
Jordyn is manager of the Lionette Drill Team. She was selected to attend Girls State in Sequin and the Extreme Youth Leadership Camp in Kerrville.
She has been participating in the Brown County Youth Fair since third grade winning Reserve Champion Foods and Breed Champion Duroc twice. She has shown swine, heifers, steers and rabbits and participated in the home economics division in foods, clothing and crafts.
Upon graduation, she plans to attend Texas A&M University majoring in pre-pharmacy eventually becoming a pharmacist.
Kassidy Barker is the daughter of Casey and Heather Barker of Blanket and the sister of Hayden Barker. She is the granddaughter of Robert and Cherita Barker of Early, Tom and Fran Brown of Colorado, Dale and Brenda Hicks of Brownwood and Gary and Pati Barton of Coleman. She is a senior at Early High School and a member of the Blanket United Methodist Church. Kassidy is representing Early FFA.
While in school, Kassidy has participated in cross country, track, basketball, golf and was a 2012 regional golf qualifier. She also team ropes with her father and brother and plays tennis.
Kassidy is involved in Early FFA and is currently serving as Vice President. She competes in Leadership Development, Ag Issues and Career Development, Skills Team and Public Relations.
Since third grade, Kassidy has competed in the Brown County Youth Fair showing horses, pigs and heifers, She has won Grand and Reserve Champion Mare, Reserve Champion Gelding, and Senior Heifer and Swine Showmanship.
Kassidy is currently employed at Heartland Childcare in Early. After graduation she plans to attend Tarleton State University majoring in Agricultural Science. She plans to become an Ag Teacher.

Logan Speck is the daughter of Dr. Fritz and Kristie Speck. She is the granddaughter of Dr. Joe and Sarah Speck of Early and Tommy and Sherrie Shelton of Mullin. She is a senior at Early High School and is representing Early FFA.
While in school, Logan has been involved in numerous clubs and activities including National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Key Club, athletics and captain of the Heartland Belles Dance Team. She is the currently Student Body President.
In FFA, Logan is serving as the chapter President and the District Treasurer. She has been a member of the Skills Team and participated in Prepared Speaking, Public Relations and Livestock Judging.
Logan has been showing at the Brown County Youth Fair since third grade and has shown sheep, goats, pigs, steers and heifers.
Upon graduation, Logan plans to attend Texas A&M University and will major in Biomedical Sciences with plans to become a veterinarian.
Paige Goodwin is the daughter of Jill and David Goodwin and the granddaughter of Elinor and Bill Dodd and Carolyn and Aubrey Goodwin. Paige is a junior at Brownwood High School and is representing Brownwood FFA, FCCLA and the Brown County Sheep Club.
In school Paige has been involved in FFA, FCCLA, Key Club, S.A.A.D, Choices, Student Council and cheerleading. She is also active in her community by helping with the March of Dimes, The Heart Association, Brownwood Reunion, Loaves and Fishes and the American Cancer Society.
Paige has shown in the Brown County Youth Fair since third grade and has shown lambs, goats and pigs.
Upon graduation from high school in 2014, Paige plans to attend Texas Tech University or San Angelo State University and plans to pursue a career as an environmental/agricultural engineer.

Taylor Kye Tomme is the daughter of Courtney Seybert and Sam Tomme and the granddaughter of Lana Norris of Bangs, Larry and Beverly Norris of Brownwood and Maria Tomme of Bangs. She is a senior at Bangs High School and is representing Bangs FFA.
Taylor is involved in the Bangs FFA and was a member of the Livestock Judging Team that advanced to state. She has been a part of the Brown County Youth Fair for eight years showing goats, lambs, heifers and steers.
Taylor is also involved in sports at Bangs High School competing in volleyball, track and field. Last year she was the District Champion in the high jump. Taylor was also chosen as the Bangs Homecoming Queen.
Upon graduating, Taylor plans to attend Tarleton State University; majoring in pre-veterinary medicine and then attending Texas A&M University. She plans to be an equine veterinarian.