IMG_3810The Military & Family Support Group’s drive for their annual “Community Christmas Boxes and Cards of Support Project” culminated on Saturday as the group and other volunteers worked harder than Santa’s elves to pull the project together.

Saturday’s effort was to sort out and box up all of the donations for Christmas Boxes for military stationed overseas and stateside. The community donated snacks, toiletries, and other items for the Christmas boxes over the last few months.  Boxes will go out to approximately 600 soldiers.

Custom made cards of support were also made for the soldiers by several organizations including the Boys and Girls Club, Little Dude Ranch, Early Primary School , Early Elementary, Brookesmith ISD, Zephyr ISD, Bangs ISD and Brownwood Elementary Schools.  Joyce Leidig of the Military & Family Support Group said that 5660 cards were made that will be going out.

The group is also taking on a few other projects in addition to their Christmas Box effort.

They are also packing Christmas Sacks for 224 single soldiers stationed at Ft Hood.  Leidig said, “We were planning on doing this anyway, but it is even more important after recent events.”

Leidig said that they are also packing large boxes of snacks for 111th Engineer Battalion, Texas Army National Guard.  Volunteers will be taking these snacks along with posters of support to them next Saturday when they will be at the National Guard Armory.

In a last minute idea, the Military & Family Support Group will be taking any items that were too large to ship over to Veterans in nursing homes on Veterans Day.

Liedig said, “Our Military need to know that all of us appreciate their role in protecting and defending our nation’s freedom.  Not only during times of peace, but especially in times of war.”

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