I have to admire my husband and his skills. Without any hesitation on his part, he rapidly responded, “No.” I, on the other hand, felt my jaw drop at her question. He was perfectly cool under fire. He didn’t slam on the brakes. He didn’t swerve. He didn’t even glance back in the rear view mirror. He just said, “No.” with enough authority in his voice to make my spine straighten.
Closing my mouth, I glanced back at Kiera. She shrugged her shoulders indifferently and said, “Ok. I’m just asking. I don’t want one.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, Aaron replied, “Maybe when you are 16.”
Kiera thought briefly and countered, “Or 20?”
Aaron smiled and said, “That’s even better.”
Aaron and I cringe at the thought of her dating. Thankfully, we still have several years before we have to worry about that. She has received her first marriage proposal though. Well… I don’t know if it was as much a proposal as it was a declaration.
A couple of weeks ago, I was helping Kiera wash her hair and quizzing her on her day at school. “Did you play with any of your friends today?”
Wiping water out of her eyes, she responded, “Yes. I played with some of my friends.” Then she sighed dramatically. “But, I stopped playing with Johnny.”
Little Johnny (not his real name); is a sweet little boy in Kiera’s class. They often play together or in the same group. It’s not uncommon for us to hear his name. From time to time, they have a little falling out but it is usually rectified the same day.
“Why did you stop playing with Johnny?” I questioned.
There was another dramatic sigh before she exclaimed indignantly, “He told me he was going to marry me!!”
I quickly covered my grin with a towel that was hanging closely by and prayed that I did not start sputtering with laughter. “Oh…” I paused and took a breath to control myself.
“So, he told you he was going to marry you?” I asked, essentially poking the bear, so to speak.
“Yes! He told me he was going to marry me and I told him no!” She continued on, “And I can’t tell his mom because she picks him up and I don’t see her.”
I rinsed the soap out of her hair, glad that her eyes were closed. I know that the humor of the situation was written all over my face.
“Can you tell her?” She asked.
“Yes, honey. I will tell her. But, how about this? You tell Johnny that your parents will not allow you to get married until you are 30.” I suggested and wiped the water out of her eyes again.
“30?” She asked.
“Yes, baby. I am glad you told him no. And when y’all are 30 and if Johnny still likes you and you like him, then y’all can talk about getting married.” I said as I finished towel drying her hair. I turned her to face me.
“Ok.” She replied and smiled at me, seemingly satisfied at the solution. She turned to walk out of the bathroom, paused and turned back to me. “But you will still tell his Mommy?”
“Absolutely, baby.” I smiled at her as I imagined Johnny’s Mommy’s response. “Absolutely.”
Oh the things we have to look forward to… and I’m not just talking about this Mommy and Daddy.

Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.