Area graduates from the 2011 Texas Master Gardener class will officially join the Brown County association as Interns at the group’s first meeting of the new year Thursday, January 5th, 12 noon, at the AgriLife extension office, 605 Fisk, in Brownwood.
Twenty-four students graduated as Interns from the 2011 class co-sponsored by the Brown County Master Gardeners and Central Texas ( McCulloch County ) Master Gardeners associations. Internship in the program requires 50 hours of classroom instruction and written examinations, followed by 50 hours of volunteer work in horticultural projects in the interns’ respective communities within one calendar year.
The primary objective for the first 2012 Brown County meeting will be to schedule a variety of educational programs, including a series of convenient and informative Lunch-and-Learn presentations offered during standard business lunch breaks.
Also on the agenda will be election of officers, required reports to the state association, and planning work projects for the new year.
The Brown County association, established in 2009, was one of the founding organizations of the Brownwood Area Community Garden, also established in 2009. The group has also hosted a wide variety of educational programs and participated in area third and sixth-grade “Ag Days” for local schools.
Membership in the Brown County Master Gardeners Association does not require formal training or internship, and is open to anyone interested in gardening and horticulture. Annual dues in the Association are $7 which includes state membership.
The Master Gardener Program is a volunteer development program offered by Texas AgriLife Extension Service and is designed to increase the availability of horticultural information and improve the quality of life through horticultural projects.
For further information, contact Mary Green Engle, 325-784-8453, or the Brown County AgriLife Extension Office, 646-0386.